Students looking up at the camera and holding up signs that spell out, thanks!
Donor Impact Stories

A Nod to the Past, a Look to the Future

Conference room named to honor the generosity of Dr. 爱德华J. ’68 and Valerie Faleski

发布: 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学 Donors

Edward and Valerie Faleski stand in front of a plaque

With fondness for the past, promise for the future and everflowing gratitude, Dr. 爱德华J. ’68 and Valerie Faleski returned to campus on May 23 to behold the Science Lecture Hall in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) building, 现在叫 The Edward and Valerie Faleski Conference Room in recognition of the couple’s generous bequest intention to Montclair.

“There will be many students who enter this room and see your name on the wall and understand that someone who came before them cared enough to invest in their future, 因此, we are very grateful,” said Rita Walters, vice president for Development and 校友 Engagement.

“I owe my best experiences to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学,法莱斯基说, whose story is captured on a commemorative plaque inside the lecture hall.

Faleski credits the undergraduate education he received at Montclair – largely in biology, chemistry and math – with providing the foundation for his success. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in Biology, he later earned both a doctoral degree and his Doctor of Medicine and worked as a radiologist, enjoying a rewarding medical career in the military spanning more than 30 years, from which he retired as Air Force Medical Group Chief of Staff.

He chose to attend Montclair because he was impressed with the quality of the faculty in the Science department and because it was affordable. The son of a welder and a homemaker, he was the first in his family to attend college.

“Montclair has always provided a tremendous level of education,” Faleski shared.

Montclair President Jonathan Koppell reinforced that Montclair is still committed to providing excellence and access, with the 大学 regarded nationally as a leader in providing access to higher education and nearly half of its current students being first generation.

The Faleskis pose with President Koppell in front of the conference room named after them.

“We think it’s particularly important that students from underrepresented backgrounds have pathways in STEM fields,科佩尔说. “We express our heartfelt appreciation to you for investing in students and keeping Montclair’s mission alive and well and very much thriving – part of your legacy will always be that you showed what was possible.”

With their transformational bequest, the Faleskis have established the Dr. 爱德华J. 法尔斯基和夫人. Lois Valerie Faleski Endowed Scholarship to support students in the College of Science and Mathematics along with the Dr. 爱德华J. 法尔斯基和夫人. Lois Valerie Faleski Dean’s Fund, which will be used to meet the College’s priorities and greatest needs.

Group poses in conference room

College of Science and Mathematics Dean Lora Billings pointed out that the College recently received approval to add a new Bachelor of Arts in Biology to its program offerings in the fall. Distinct from the Bachelor of Science in Biology, the major is designed to prepare students for the many careers that require a broad knowledge of Biology combined with non-science skills such as science communication, 社区卫生, environmental law and more.

“I am grateful to be able to help a new generation of students benefit from the excellence of a Montclair education through our gift,法莱斯基说.

To learn how you can make a lasting difference for future Montclair students with a gift in your will or other estate plan, please contact Ely F. Santoni, CFRE at 973-655-3695 or



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